
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thank you Pinterest!

I'm a humungous fan of Pinterest. I love just looking at all the possible things I could make. Some look a bit fishy, but others seem possible. I was browsing the local thrift shop with a gal pal when I came across a box of 64 unused crayola crayons for 2.99. Instantly this Pinterest picture came to my mind.

I knew I wasnted to create one of my own. Maybe not as big. I had an 8 by 10 canvas at home that was in a set of two I  had purchased for a project. That project will have to come in a later post. In a 64 pack of crayons, you aren't going to get that many pretty colors. Because the canvas wasn't that big I stuck with just using the pinks, reds, and purples.
All I did was hot glue the crayons to the canvas, then heated the ends up with a hairdryer. Now to find a space on my wall for it :)

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